Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OBAMA...The failing of a the failing of the Congress, the people and those of us who vote. He is not a magician, wizard, sooth-Sayer or God. Without congressional cooperation, he cannot make domestic change nor build bridges to the success of nations. "NO" is safe. "Yes" takes guts.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

On Michael Jackson.

Icon: Webster says; A saint. We make great achievers into this and if they make one false or human step, we become angry and disappointed. We then ostracize and condemn them. Ultimately, we destroy them. History bares this out.

Friday, December 1, 2006

The art acting

I love to watch actors who seem as if they are doing nothing. I find it to be extremely engaging. It's peeking at something I'm not suppose to see. Meryl Streep comes to mind. Those of you who understand will bare witness.